Cure Kids is a charity ex-Bachelor Zac Franich holds close to his heart after meeting seven-year-old Corin Copeland who is part of the surf-lifesaving club where Zac teaches. Cheeky and energetic Corin has a rare genetic condition that means his arteries close up.
There are only about 40 cases of this condition around the world and it’s so uncommon it doesn’t even have a medical name.
“He’s just a little battler,” smiles Zac. “Corin has had all these barriers put up in front of him, but he’s still throwing himself around the footy field and charging around the beach in and out of the water.”
Corin was only four months old when he had surgery to reconstruct his aorta. Now he breathes through a small windpipe, which leads to restrictions on physical activity.

Zac says, “A lot of people take life for granted, but Corin doesn’t. In my profession, I see a lot of people take sport far too seriously and lose sight of the whole enjoyment aspect of it, so seeing someone like Corin who is just there because he enjoys it is amazing.”
When Corin’s parents Myka and Jonathan first approached Zac about getting involved with Cure Kids – a charity that has helped them through many years of challenges raising Corin – he jumped at the chance.

“I can’t even imagine what it must feel like for people facing these diseases that are so rare,” explains Zac. “Red Nose Day helps fund research and also provides hope. It lets those families know there are people in their corner wanting to help.”
Together with his girlfriend Viarni Bright, Zac will be taking on one of the Red Nose Day Dares or Challenges this Friday. Whether it’s rocking a red wig, nose, speedo, socks or moustache, it will be Corin Zac will be thinking of.
Zac adds, “I hope this doesn’t sound so cheesy, but this is just a really cool thing to be involved in.”