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Is Jay-Jay Harvey moving to The Breeze?

A former government minister may have just revealed Jay-Jay Harvey's next move.
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Radio presenter Jay-Jay Harvey says she cannot confirm or deny a former government minister’s statement that she is moving to The Breeze.


Jay-Jay announced earlier this month that she is leaving The Edge, where she has worked since 1994.

At the weekend at a 30-year anniversary celebration for Taranaki radio station Energy FM, former National minister Steven Joyce revealed where Jay-Jay’s career was taking her next.

“Jay-Jay came to work for me at 15, and now here she is, retiring. After all these years, after 23 years on The Edge, and going to work on The Breeze apparently. Because those are the only songs she knows now,” he said to the crowd, who cheered.


Steven Joyce with his uni mates, including comedian Jeremy Corbett, started the radio station in his hometown of New Plymouth in the mid-80s. It grew into the sprawling network RadioWorks, employing 650 staff at more than 20 stations. He sold the company in 2001.

Jay-Jay got her start in radio at EnergyFM in Hamilton when she was just 15.

On air on The Edge today, Jay-Jay said she could “neither confirm nor deny” Joyce’s claim. “I can’t say what I’m doing.”

Jay-Jay will remain on air with The Edge Breakfast until just before Christmas.


Megan Annear will be joining The Edge Breakfast team from the end of November and she will take over the hot seat next to Dom Harvey and Clint Randell when they officially launch their show on The Edge in early 2018.

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